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Meet Virginia

Virginia Grounds is an author, publisher, publishing coach, hospice chaplain, and widow who has allowed God to pour into her His word and mission even as she goes through the grief process. Her latest book, WINGS: Hope for Widows in New Growth Seasons, was released recently. This book is written by widows for widows revealing that God is not finished with us yet. Virginia has taught Bible studies in her home church for 35 years and is still teaching and speaking today. She has been a guest blogger for several other websites, and has written several other books so far, including Guide to Deeper Prayer, Rock Solid Trust, and Ricky the Racecar (a children’s book). She is a widow, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of a beautiful family she enjoys spending time with.

What Others Say

“W.I.N.G.S.: Hope for Widows in New Growth Seasons is a touching and essential guide for those navigating the heart-wrenching journey of widowhood. Through a compassionate lens, this book skillfully combines biblical prophecy and practical advice to provide hope for widows. The exploration of ‘Widow Brain’ is enlightening, offering much needed clarity and understanding about the emotional and cognitive impacts of profound loss. Each page is a gentle reminder that through faith and the healing power of God’s promises, renewal and growth are not just possible but promised. W.I.N.G.S illuminates the path to healing and hope with the warmth of God’s love”

Susan Neal

RN, MBA, MHS Author of 12 Ways to Age Gracefully

What Others Say

“In the Message of Hope behind each chapter, Virginia Grounds tenderly weaves together words of wisdom, touching stories of widows, and actionable steps to help you find solace and renewed purpose in the face of loss. This compassionate guide offers biblical guidance and practical tools for those seeking hope and healing. A must-read for anyone navigating the complexities of grief.”

Dee Humphrey

Bible Teacher, Speaker, and Director of Women’s Ministry, FBC Grove, Oklahoma

What Others Say

“If life feels sad, confusing, disappointing, or even filled with a swirling mix of emotions, you are in the right place to gain the hope, help, and healing you long for! Your heart is in good hands! These seasoned widows, including author, editor, and publisher, Virginia Grounds, along with others have penned a treasure trove of encouragement, enrichment, and inspiration straight from God’s heart to your own heart. You can move forward, one step at a time, with the guidance of God and the rich wisdom of the plethora of widows who know the path you are walking.”

Pam Farrel

Author of more than sixty books, including bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti and Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience Co-Director of

What Others Say

“This book, W.I.N.G.S.: Hope for Widows in New Growth Seasons, answers many of the questions widows may be experiencing. It is well written in a form that is easy to read and understand. Thank you, my friend, for writing a book to help widows wondering, ‘What now?’”

Iva Nell (Ivy) Caselman

WINGS Widows Group Leader, FBC Grove, Oklahoma

What Others Say

“I just finished reading your book. It's fantastic. You managed to bring me to tears, then joy, then hope. Thank you”


What Others Say

“I just finished reading your book. It's fantastic. You managed to bring me to tears, then joy, then hope. Thank you”
