Why I Started WINGS

Feb 13, 2025 | Blog Posts, Wings and Calling

Why the name WINGS. In the spring of last year, God placed on my heart the need for
widows to have a community of women who understand their grief, pain, and support for
moving into the next chapter of their lives alone. At the same time, a woman in my
church spoke with the pastor about starting a widows support group. We got together,
came up with a plan, and began meeting on a monthly basis as a group of widows.

The inspiration God gave me was not for grief support as much as for support to
encourage woman like me to move forward into God’s plan for us in the future, and
encouragement not to give up hope. A meaning for the word ‘hope’ is confident
expectation of something good. From this we know there is something good for us
ahead. Therefore, getting out of our comfort zone and grief, and seeking God’s wisdom
for what is next for us is important.

Based on that information, the name WINGS emerged. It is from an acrostic: Widows in
New Growth Seasons. That’s what we are. Women who have lost our husbands, gone
through the steps of grief, and are now ready to move forward. It is a time of growth and
new beginnings. God is not finished with us yet.

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WINGS: Widows In New Growth Seasons

Written by widows for widows, WINGS is filled with stories of women who found ways to move forward in their grief. Brief Bible study questions throughout help the reader to understand how Jesus prepared his disciples for his death and departure with guidance for how we can carry on without our loved one.

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Meet Virginia

Virginia Grounds is an author, publisher, publishing coach, hospice chaplain, and widow who has allowed God to pour into her His word and mission even as she goes through the grief process.

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